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Privacy policy

Commitment to customers on personal data protection and privacy

The protection of personal data and your privacy is very important for Inouï sro.

Inouï sro makes its commitment to privacy and personal data clear by adopting these principles. Inouï sro uses personal data in accordance with regulations, fairly, correctly and transparently. Inouï sro collects and retains only as much personal data as is necessary, only for a legitimate purpose and no longer than necessary. Inouï sro protects personal data by means of appropriate security measures.

Privacy Statement

The purpose of the Privacy Statement is to establish clear, concise and transparent communication about the acquisition, use, processing, storage, etc. personal data concerning customers Inouï sro

In the Privacy Statement, "customer of Inouï sro" means a former, current and potential customer or user of products or services offered by Inouï sro, or a visitor to our website.

Who is responsible for processing your personal data?

Inouï sro is primarily responsible for the processing of personal data within the scope of this Privacy Statement.

About Inouï

Business name: Inoui sro

Registered headquarters: 111 Tureň 903 01,

Business identity number: 53 725 662

Tax ID: 2121 4751 91

Business Register: Business Register of the Slovak Republic

The personal data we collect from you is generally stored in a country of the European Union or the European Economic Area (hereinafter "EU / EEA").

Your personal data is only accessible and accessible to the persons who need the data to achieve the intended purpose of the processing. Your personal data may be provided to the extent necessary by suppliers and subcontractors (intermediaries and sub-intermediaries) who perform certain tasks for Inouï sro

In addition, we may provide personal information to third parties if we have reason to believe that the use or disclosure of such information is necessary or appropriate to: (i) investigate potential violations; (ii) identifying, contacting or filing a lawsuit against anyone who may be in breach of the contracts it has entered into with us; (iii) investigating security breaches or cooperating with governmental authorities in accordance with a legal matter; or (iv) protect our rights, security or property, including fraud prevention. We reserve the right to transfer any personal information we hold about you if we merge with a third party.

Inouï sro may not acquire, process, use, store, etc. personal data without a valid legal basis. Legality can be derived from your consent, under contract, legal obligations, or our legitimate interest as a company. For each specific purpose of processing the personal data we collect from you, we will inform you which legal basis applies to the exercise of your rights, whether the provision of personal data is required by law or required to conclude a contract, whether it is mandatory to provide personal data, and the possible consequences if you choose not to provide your data.

Right of access:

You have the right at any time to request information about what personal data we hold about you. You can contact us and receive your personal data via email.


Right of correction:

You have the right to request the correction of your personal data if they are incorrect, including the right to complete incomplete personal data. If you have an account with us or you can edit your personal data within your account.


Right to delete:

You have the right to delete any personal data processed by Inouï sro  at any time except the following situations:

* you have an unresolved matter with Inouï sro,

* you have an open order that has not yet been shipped or has only been shipped in part,

* you have outstanding debt with Inouï s.r.o. regardless of the method of payment,

* there is a suspicion that you have abused our services in the last four years or that such a suspicion has been confirmed,

* your debt has been sold to a third party in the last three years or in the case of deceased customers within one year,

* If you have made a purchase, we store your personal information in connection with your transaction in accordance with accounting regulations.

Your right to object to processing based on a legitimate interest:

You have the right to object to the processing of your personal data, which is based on the legitimate interest of Inouï sro In that case, Inouï sro will not continue to process personal data unless a legitimate reason for processing outweighs your interest and rights or due it legal claims.


Right to restrict processing:

You have the right to request that Inouï sro restrict the processing of your personal data in the following circumstances:

* if you have objections to processing based on the legitimate interest of Inouï sro, Inouï sro restrict any processing of this data until the legitimate interest has been verified.

* if you declare that your personal data is incorrect, Inouï s.r.o. must limit the processing of such data until the accuracy of the personal data is verified.

* if the processing is illegal, you can oppose the deletion of personal data and instead request a restriction on the use of your personal data.

* and Inouï sro it no longer needs personal data, but it is required to defend legal claims.

Contact us by email with a request regarding your rights listed above. If you have an account in Inouï s.r.o., you can exercise your right of access, portability, and rectification on the pages of your account, where you can also delete your account.

If you have a complaint about the way Inouï sro processes and protects your personal data and privacy, you have the right to file a complaint with the Office for Personal Data Protection of the Slovak Republic at any time.

Where do we process your data?

Who has access to your data?


What is the legal basis for the processing of your personal data?

What are your rights?

How do you exercise your rights?

Right to lodge a complaint with the supervisory authority:

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